Yesterday at CFUNITED I presented some more (useless) code concerning mazes and ColdFusion. I've blogged on this a few times already, but I decided to play around with it a bit more. For the derby, I demonstrated code that generated mazes in a slightly different way than I've had before. I've shown outputting mazes with text. I've shown outputting mazes with graphics. But this version puts one more little spin on it - old school style:

What you are seeing here is a text based description of a maze stored in the session scope. This is done by first figuring out what directions are allowed based on your current position in the maze:
public function getExits(numeric x, numeric y) {
var exits = "";
//handle west possible
if(variables.mazedata.maze[arguments.y][arguments.x-1] == 0) exits = listAppend(exits, "west");
//handle east possible
if(variables.mazedata.maze[arguments.y][arguments.x+1] == 0) exits = listAppend(exits, "east");
//handle north possible
if(variables.mazedata.maze[arguments.y-1][arguments.x] == 0) exits = listAppend(exits, "north");
//handle south possible
if(variables.mazedata.maze[arguments.y+1][arguments.x] == 0) exits = listAppend(exits, "south");
return exits;
This then is used by a simple function to describe the current room. All rooms in the maze have the exact same look - it is only the exits that change:
function describePosition(numeric x, numeric y) {
//better not be a wall or you are dead
var exits = getExits(arguments.x,arguments.y);
var s = "You are in a dark and dusty maze.<br/><br/>";
var i = "";
//Ok, I'm using pos with 0,0 in upper left
if(listLen(exits) is 1) {
s &= "There is one exit to the #exits#.";
} else {
s &= "There are exits to the ";
for(i=1; i <= listLen(exits); i++) {
s &= listGetAt(exits, i);
if(i < listLen(exits)-1) s&= ", ";
else if (i == listLen(exits)-1) s&= " and ";
//else if (listLen(exists) is 2 and i is 1) s
return s;
Movement is done by simply checking your current position against valid exits. Also note that I allow for shorthand versions of movements (e for east, etc):
public function move(string dir, numeric x, numeric y) {
var pos = {x=arguments.x,y=arguments.y};
if(dir == "e") dir="east";
if(dir == "w") dir="west";
if(dir == "s") dir="south";
if(dir == "n") dir="north";
if(listFindNoCase(getExits(x,y), dir)) {
if(dir == "east") pos.x++;
if(dir == "south") pos.y++;
if(dir == "west") pos.x--;
if(dir == "north") pos.y--;
return pos;
Totally useless - and totally fun - and yes - I have inklings for other maze demos to try as well. I've attached the code (including the Grue version) but note that it is ColdFusion 9 only.