Ok, so this is another tip that is more Eclipse than ColdFusion Builder, but I thought I'd share it anyway. (I'm assuming a lot of people who will be using CFBuilder will be new to Eclipse as well!) I've mentioned before how I like to use TailView when debugging. I find it especially useful in MVC applications with a lot of moving parts in each request. I've also demonstrated how I use JSON and CFLOG to record complex data to a log file. While that works ok, sometimes I really need to use a proper CFDUMP to see what I'm working with. In those cases, I'll cfdump to a file (with format="html"):
<cfdump var="#url#" output="/Users/ray/Desktop/test.html" format="html">
What I'll then do is open it in my browser and reload a few times while I tweak the code. Today, on a whim, I tried the Internal Web Browser view. This is different (as far as I know) from the preview in the editor pane. That view is something I don't use too often. Why? Because I normally really need to see both code and result at the same time. The Internal Web Browser though is a separate panel that acts like a browser. In the screen shot below, I've opened this view and pointed it to the test file on my desktop. As I work, I reload to get the latest dump: