cfObjective is doing something nice for 2011. Instead of the usual call for speakers they are instead reaching out to the community to ask them for the topics they would like to see. Jared wrote a great blog entry on it where he discusses why the death of CFUNITED has left a whole that he hopes cfObjective can fill. cfObjective has always billed itself as the 'Enterprise' conference - which you can read as no 'Intro to Foo' sessions. CFUNITED usually had quite a few of these (along with great high end content as well!). There is an opportunity for cfObjective to reach out to those conference attendees who prefer more beginner or introductory sessions. Then again - maybe that's completely necessary. This where you can come in and express exactly what you want to see in a ColdFusion conference. So stop what your doing now and head over to the new Engage site: Let your voice be heard!
cfObjective - Call for Topics
Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got
an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me
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