I've been getting into mobile development, and Android in general, quite a bit over the past few months, and with that in mind, I was looking for a good way to keep up to date. Both as a consumer of the hardware and as a developer on the platform. With that in mind, I've set up a new blog aggregator called AndroidGator. Yeah - it's a direct copy of ColdFusionBloggers, but frankly I didn't want to be bothered with putting in a new skin. I had a lot of good suggestions for feeds from folks on Twitter, and even a long list sent to me from Brian Swartzfager. With that I flipped the switch and began aggregating content this afternoon. Useful? No idea. I like it already so I'm happy. Hopefully others will find it useful as well.
Oh - and I know it's against the rules to have an Android site without the iconic Android robot logo. If any aspiring designer out there wants to whip out a new header - possibly with the Android or even an Android/Alligator mix, there may be a copy of Flash Catalyst speeding it's way to you.
p.s. As a reminder - anyone can download the source code for CFBloggers here. It isn't that exciting, but I think the RSS parsing is kind of cool.