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I don't normally take blog entries into so many iterations, but after my last blog post I got some really cool feedback from Dan Switzer and Kevin Marino.

Dan mentioned an excellent bit of code called debounce. You should read Dan's post to learn more about it or check out the original author's post on the concept. The basic idea is that given some user interaction you want to ensure you don't "react" to it more than one in a period of time. This isn't throttling where you "back up" the calls so you only get one 1 every N seconds. Rather, the additional calls are essentially ignored. If you look at my search (here is a link to the second demo) with a network monitor enabled, you will see one search for every key press. While I wanted that, it may make sense to do things a bit slower, especially on a high traffic server. Debounce allows for that. I can still have 'search as you type' but slowed down a bit. I plan on putting the entire code base up with my changes, but here is an shortened version of how I added it to my application:

$("#searchField").keyup(debounce(function() { .... },250));

What I've done here is slightly modified the normal jQuery event handler syntax by wrapping the inline function with a call to debounce. 250 is the value by which things will be blocked. I go this value from Dan and it seemed like a good idea. In my testing this tiny little change worked very well. I still got a snappy search form but it seemed to run about half the network calls.

So what about Kevin's advice? He suggested using some form of caching on the client side. Now - this can get incredibly complex if you have a need for it. I decided to do something very simple. Every time I work with the result of a search, I take that generated string and store it in a variable. For example:

if(field in cache) { console.log(field + " was in cache"); $("#results").html(cache[field]); return; }

In the example above, "field" represents what we are searching for. I apologize - that isn't a great name for the variable. Later on we store to the cache in the handle result for my network call.

cache[field] = s;

So yeah - this is pretty trivial. You can imagine that over time, the cache will get big. In my opinion this simple solution should work ok. This is not GMail. User's won't be sitting here constantly searching again and again. They should - as far as I know - do some searches and click on a result. If they come back to search again the cache will be reset.

Given these two changes, the application should be even better than the original. It's going to be making quite a few fewer network calls between the user of the debouncer and the cache. Here's the entire front end code.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() {

var debounce = function (func, threshold, execAsap) { var timeout;

return function debounced () { var obj = this, args = arguments; function delayed () { if (!execAsap) func.apply(obj, args); timeout = null; };

if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout); else if (execAsap) func.apply(obj, args);

timeout = setTimeout(delayed, threshold || 100); };


//http://stackoverflow.com/questions/217957/how-to-print-debug-messages-in-the-google-chrome-javascript-console/2757552#2757552 if (!window.console) console = {}; console.log = console.log || function(){}; console.dir = console.dir || function(){};

cache = {};

//listen for keyup on the field $("#searchField").keyup(debounce(function() { //get and trim the value var field = $(this).val(); field = $.trim(field)

//if blank, nuke results and leave early if(field == "") { $("#results").html(""); return; }

console.log("searching for "+field); if(field in cache) { console.log(field + " was in cache"); $("#results").html(cache[field]); return; }

$.getJSON("search.cfc?returnformat=json&method=search&queryformat=column", {"string":field}, function(res,code) { var s = ""; s += "<h2>Results</h2>"; for(var i=0; i < res.ROWCOUNT; i++) { //display a blog entry if(res.DATA.TYPE[i] == "entry") { s += "<p><img src="blog.png" align="left">"; s += "<b>Blog Entry: <a href="">" + res.DATA.TITLE[i] + "</a></b><br/>"; s += res.DATA.SUMMARY[i]; s += "<br clear="left"></p>"; //display a blog comment } else { s += "<p><img src="" + res.DATA.GRAVATAR[i] + "" align="left">"; s += "<b>Comment by " + res.DATA.AUTHOR[i] + "</b><br/>"; s += "<b>Blog Entry: <a href="">" + res.DATA.TITLE[i] + "</a></b><br/>"; s += res.DATA.SUMMARY[i]; s += "<br clear="left"></p>"; } } cache[field] = s; $("#results").html(s); }); },250)); }) </script> <style> #results p { border-style:solid; border-width:thin; padding: 10px; } </style>

<form> Search: <input type="text" name="search" id="searchField"> </form>

<div id="results"></div>

And as always, I've put up a demo for you to play with. Enjoy!