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Ernie asked me if it was possible to select a row in CFGRID via JavaScript. I coulda sworn I had covered this before, but my search-fu failed to turn it up. Anyway, here is a super quick example of how to do it. It's works with ColdFusion 9 only - not ColdFusion 8. (Not as far as I know since the Ext API changed.)

<cfform name="test"> <cfgrid autowidth="true" name="entries" format="html" width="600" bind="url:getentries.cfm?page={cfgridpage}&pagesize={cfgridpagesize}&sort={cfgridsortcolumn}&dir={cfgridsortdirection}" height="150"> <cfgridcolumn name="id" display="false"> <cfgridcolumn name="body" display="false">

<cfgridcolumn name="title" header="Title"> <cfgridcolumn name="posted" header="Posted"> </cfgrid> </cfform>

This is a code sample from an old presentation I did on CF Ajax features. It uses a BlogCFC database on the back end and a file that serves up blog entry data to the grid. Since the data isn't relevant to the discussion I'm going to skip posting that. I began by adding a button and whipped up some code to select a row:


<head> <script> function pickrow() { console.log("ran"); g = ColdFusion.Grid.getGridObject("entries"); console.dir(g); var sm = g.getSelectionModel(); console.dir(sm); sm.selectRow(2); console.log("done"); } </script>


<body> <cfform name="test"> <cfgrid autowidth="true" name="entries" format="html" width="600" bind="url:getentries.cfm?page={cfgridpage}&pagesize={cfgridpagesize}&sort={cfgridsortcolumn}&dir={cfgridsortdirection}" height="150"> <cfgridcolumn name="id" display="false"> <cfgridcolumn name="body" display="false">

<cfgridcolumn name="title" header="Title"> <cfgridcolumn name="posted" header="Posted"> </cfgrid> </cfform>

<input type="button" onclick="pickrow()" value="pickrow"> </body> </html>

The button is at the bottom and runs pickrow up top. pickrow simply grabs the Grid object, grabs the "SelectionModel" (think of it as an API to get/modify selections in the grid), and then just runs selectRow. I've hard coded it to 2 which will be the 3rd row. As a reminder - don't forget you can always check the Ext docs for deeper integration into ColdFusion's UI objects. Just be sure to check the version # of the API versus what ColdFusion is using natively.