A few weeks ago I posted a simple guide to dealing with features you could not use in ColdFusion 9 script based code. While CF9 went a long way to making the scripting form more powerful, there are still some holes that need patching. One of the things that can be a bit confusing though is figuring out all the new script based forms of tags we've used in the past. While not a deep dive, I decided to write up a quick template that ran through all of these new keywords just so I'd have the syntax handy. I hope this helps.
Doing a dump...
writedump(var=server,top=2,label="You betcha");
Doing an include...
include "foo.cfm";
//a dynamic version...
x = "test2.cfm";
include x;
Doing a cflocation...
param name="y" default=1 min=1;
writeOutput("y is " & y);
Doing a lock...
lock type="exlcusive" name="somelock" timeout="30" {
Doing a log...
writelog(file="application", text="beer time?");
Doing cfsavecontent...
savecontent variable="buffer" {
include "test2.cfm";
Exception handling...
try {
writeoutput("unknown #variablename#");
} catch(any e) {
//if(e.errnumber == 0) rethrow;
} finally {
trace(category="beer",text="my trace");
thread name="slowthing" priority="low" {
transaction action="begin" {
} </cfscript>
Throwing an exception...
throw(message="You smell", detail="No, you REALLY smell");
Stopping the execution of a request
I think that covers everything, but if I missed something, let me know.
Shoot - one more just occurred to me. You can set pagencoding for a CFC at the top of the file - but after the component begins, ala:
component car {
pageencoding "Cp1252"
I've yet to use that syntax.