Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

After many years of running ColdFusionJedi.com, today I've launched a new version of my blog and a new name as well. Welcome to RaymondCamden.com. I wanted this change for a few reasons.

First, to be honest, it's fun to try a new blog theme every year or so. If BlogCFC made it easier, I'd probably change more often. This new theme (Saffron Spice) caught my eye and was pretty darn easy to implement. Whereas my last theme had about 500 nested divs, this has around 5, so, much easier to work with.

Secondly, I think it's obvious that I'm more than a ColdFusion blogger. I've been talking a heck of a lot on jQuery, mobile, and other topics too. It's not that I don't like ColdFusion (do I have to say that?) it's just that I'm trying to find time to expand my horizons, learn new things, and help bring them to others.

I don't think I'm the best coder around. I don't think I'm in the top half. But - I think I have some skill in teaching, whether in person, in blog entries, or in books. I've enjoyed bringing in some radical new topics here (guess what - I'll soon be blogging about a certain language that rhymes with tuby) and I hope to continue that through 2012 and beyond.

So outside of the new URL and the new skin, it should be business as usual here. Enjoy, and come back often.

By some miracle, the new skin still had room to fit my Amazon wishlist URL. I know folks were concerned about that. But don't worry - I made it work. (Now if I can just convince someone to get that XBox the week will end perfectly...)