My recent interview with CFHOUR has just been posted. In this podcast I discuss Zeus (and let slip a few new things), but I also talked a bit about the future of BlogCFC.
BlogCFC is my oldest, and most widely used, open source product. While it has some questionable architecture (ok, it barely has architecture), I'm proud of what it has accomplished and how it's helped others.
The flip side to this pride is a growing guilt over the fact that I've been unable to release 6.0. I took some admirable stabs at it, but, it just never gelled.
A few weeks ago I came to realize that I was holding back BlogCFC as a product. I was a barrier to it growing. I thought about Joe Rinehart (a man I greatly admire) and his decision to hand over the reigns of Model-Glue to Dan Wilson, and it occurred to me that maybe it was time to do the same.
So with that being said, today I'm announcing that I'm stepping down as the project lead for BlogCFC. Scott Stroz will be taking over. He has already reached out to others and has some plans, and I plan on staying heavily involved. (It's funny - now that I'm not "responsible", I actually feel more motivated than before.)
I won't deny - I'm more than a bit sad about this. But I honestly feel like this is for the best. I've got faith in Scott (and the folks he has reached out too).
To everyone who has helped build BlogCFC (and quite a few folks have contributed), I thank you!