Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

As always - just passing it along...

Title: UX ColdFusion Developer needed in Atlanta, GA

Top of Mind Networks is a marketing/technology company in Atlanta and is looking for a solid ColdFusion developer with extensive javascript UI /jQuery experience. This developer will help the existing dev team create new functionality for and maintain a proprietary online CRM and marketing platform. This is a full time and on-site position.

Key technical skills include:

  • 5+ experience in UI design/javascript.
  • Ability to create high performing Javascript interfaces with ColdFusion Backend.
  • Modify and change existing UI to meet new feature/requirements.
  • Refactor Javascript/ColdFusion code.
  • Have decent graphic design / UI skills.
  • Experience in working in a Linux/Mysql production environment.

Please view the online demo to get a better feel for what the product is: http://topofmind.com/demo/. Interested developers can apply with David Orsini at dorsini@topofmind.com.