First off - a huge thank you to everyone who came to our PhoneGap Open Q and A today. We had more than 50 attendees for most of the two hour block which I think is a great turnout. We even had a troll (for a few minutes), so that means we must be doing something right!
The questions were very interesting. I noticed lots of attention around notifications and push, two areas I've not really dug into yet. I also noticed a few questions on the front-facing camera. (According to Andrew, on devices with two cameras, the native UI should simply prompt you when you request the camera.)
The Q and A transcript, as well as the more random general chat, are attached as zip files below.
As always - if you have any feedback about the session concerning how we could improve it, just let me know in the comments below.
p.s. I had a few requests for plain text versions. Here is a plain text version of the Q and A and here is a plain text version of the chat.