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This is my second "Guest Blog Post" for the month. Sorry I've been a bit slow on my own content lately! Today's post comes from Scott Buckel. He and I shared a conversation earlier this month about databases and PhoneGap. PhoneGap makes it pretty darn easy to create and work with a database in your application. What isn't so trivial is actually shipping a prepopulated database with the app itself. I wasn't able to help him as much as I'd like - but he worked at it until he came up with a solution. Here is what he discovered.

These instructions are very raw, and not optimized.

  1. I used this plugin: https://github.com/chbrody/Cordova-SQLitePlugin/
  2. Copy your sqlite db file to /assets folder of PhoneGap.
  3. Then, follow instructions here: http://gauravstomar.blogspot.com/2011/08/prepopulate-sqlite-in-phonegap.html to copy the file to native storage. Change this.copy("Databases.db","/data/data/"+pName+"/app_database/");
    1. Instead of Databases.db, use your database filename.
    2. Instead of app_database, use "databases"
    3. You'll probably want to delete the file from /assets, since it is duplicated and no longer needed. My app was double the size it needed to be.
  4. (Not sure if this step is necessary, I'm getting out of the office for the day). Edit SQLitePlugin.java
    1. Lines 176, I edited 1==1 so that if statement is always executed. Line 179 I changed this.setStorage(appPackage, false); to this.setStorage(appPackage, true);
  5. You can then use the following command to open the DB and use it as any other PhoneGap database
    1. var db = window.sqlitePlugin.openDatabase("[full_database_name_including_extension]", "1.0", "PhoneGap Demo", 200000);

10 hours of work later, I have a working database!

Feel free to use this information on a blog, I feel it would help a LOT of people out. Step #4 is weird, I'm sure there's a "prettier" way to do it. If used, just give Scott Buckel @ Corporate Zen credit please :).