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Earlier this year the ColdFusion team and I launched the Best of ColdFusion 10 Contest. The idea was to see what kind of crazy/cool things folks could build with ColdFusion 10. I've run many contests over the years and I've always enjoyed them. This contest had limited participation, but the entries were interesting and really showcased some of the neat cool things in the latest version of ColdFusion. For your enjoyment, here are the entries and my reviews:

MightySpec CFShoutout PDF Protector HTML Email Utility

We amended the rules a bit since we only had 4 entries. The top entry by Facebook likes will get a copy of ColdFusion 10 Enterprise as well as the one Rakshith and I thought was the coolest. The other two entries will automatically get a copy of ColdFusion Builder 2.0.1.

The entry with the most Likes was CFShoutout by Ben Dalton. The entry that Rakshith and myself thought was the coolest was the HTML Email Utility by Ben Nadel.

Congrats to everyone!