Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

Last week I attended (and spoke at) my first CFCAMP. It was an incredibly well done event in one of the best facilities I've ever visited. It was great for me as I got to see a bunch of people I don't see often in the states and I hope I can speak there again. I'd also like to commend the organizers on the session selection. First, they snagged Philip Kaplan (AKA Pud) who gave an incredibly interesting talk. Second, they had a lawyer present on licensing and other legal aspects. I didn't get a chance to hear him speak, but I heard from numerous people who greatly enjoyed his session. I think more conferences should think "outside the box" like this in terms of sessions.

For folks who attended and a need a copy of my materials, you may find the HTML storage one over on GitHub and the web socket one is attached to this blog entry as a download.

Download attached file.