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Just an FYI - if you follow this blog pretty regularly, then you know I'm a big fan of the LocalStorage API. It is one of those simple, practical APIs that I think are far more useful than the much praised/talked about canvas tag. A while ago I built a Chrome Extension called the LocalStorage Monitor. The idea being that I wanted to know when sites were making use of LocalStorage and have a quick way to view that usage.

To be clear, you can always view LocalStorage usage in Chrome Dev Tools, but I don't always keep that open and this extension was a bit more "up front" about letting me know when a site was using the feature.

Today Adam Tuttle pushed up a mod to the code (https://github.com/cfjedimaster/Local-Storage-Monitor) to add memory usage reports to the display. As an example, here is how Amazon's Cloud Player is using local storage.

Anyway, it is a cool little modification and thanks go to Adam for adding it. You can add this to your Chrome install here.