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Sorry for the noise folks. This is really just a test post. But if you've never tried Prism before for code highlighting, I definitely recommend it. I'm using it over on JavaScript Cookbook and I've decided to start using it here as well.

I've went through a couple of different code highlighters over the past ten years. Most recently I've made use of Gists. I really liked the idea of offloading the code to another server, but when gists.github.com went down, it ended up completely breaking my blog posts. I certainly don't blame them (and they go down much less often than my own blog does), but I thought it might be nice to try something internal, simpler, and less prone to error.

Prism.js is the framework I'm going to use. Here is a real example.






The only thing I need now is a quick way to escape HTML. Posting JavaScript won't be an issue but I need to escape my HTML examples. For what you saw above I used this app (Online HTML Escape Tool) but I am going to want something more direct. I'll probably use a bookmarklet or add something to my blog form.

Another example without line numbers.




