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One last blog entry before I enter Mardi Gras oblivion. Earlier this week I had logged into the ColdFusion bugbase and noticed that I had over 500 bugs in the system. I thought this was kinda cool and I was wondering if I could see aggregate data about my bug reports.

Knowing that this was an Ajax application, I opened my dev tools and looked at the request. Here is the URL (I added some spaces so it would wrap):

https://bugbase.adobe.com/index.cfm? event=qHome&page=1&pageSize=25&gridsortcolumn=&gridsortdirection=ASC& _cf_nodebug=true&_cf_nocache=true&_cf_clientid=89DF20803129085712725A599228C03B&_cf_rc=0

Notice the page size variable? On a whim I changed that to 600 and it worked. Note to developers: When you let the client specify a page size, you probably want to include a sensible maximum. I took the JSON packet and stored it locally.

The next part was simple. I wrote some quick jQuery to hit the JSON and loop over all the values. For now, I was just curious about the status of my bugs, so my code created a count for each status value.

$.getJSON("./mybugs.json", function(res) {

	var statusStats = {};

	var data = res.QUERY;
	var cols = {};
	for(var i=0;i<data.COLUMNS.length;i++) {
		cols[data.COLUMNS[i]] = i;
	for(var i=0; i<data.DATA.length; i++) {
		var status = data.DATA[i][cols["AD_S_STATUS"]];
		if(statusStats[status]) {
		} else {

I then decided - let's make it pretty. I added some Highcharts code to display the results in a pie chart. I had to do a minor bit of wrangling with the data, but outside of that I literally just cut and pasted from their sample code. The result:

You can view it (and view the source) here: http://www.raymondcamden.com/demos/2014/feb/28/test2.html

Enjoy. Now I'm off to catch some cheap beads.