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Just a small warning to folks using trusted cache on their production ColdFusion sites. If you have it enabled, hit a particular file, and then delete it, ColdFusion will still serve the file up. That isn't too surprising I suppose, but you may not be aware of it. While I bet most of you know that, I bet a lot of you may make the mistake I made.

Instead of clearing the entire Trusted Cache, I always use the newer folder option, see here:

This feature (which you can get via a ColdFusion Admin extension for older servers) lets you clear just one folder from the trusted cache. It is a kinder, gentler version of the "Nuke Everything From Orbit" button that clears the entire cache.

Except when I used this - it didn't work. It took me a few seconds (ok, minutes) to figure out why. The code behind this button gets all the files from the folder and clears them from trusted cache. Since the file I wanted to clear was deleted, it didn't work. The API for clearing the cache only supports files, not folders. (It should support both I'd say.) Obvious, right?