Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

I've been leaving hints the last few weeks that this was coming, but today I can finally share with all of you. When January ends I will be leaving Adobe. I joined Adobe a few years back as an evangelist, something that had been a dream of mine for nearly a decade. I joined a team of really smart and talented people. I had no problem considering myself the worst person there. That wasn't a slight on me at all but merely how damn good the team was. I joined Adobe at an interesting time. Not long after they begun a serious push into web standards. I saw some amazing tools get created (Brackets, Edge Animate, Inspect) and something I never thought I'd see - folks mentioning Adobe at web conferences. Sure it may have been, "Can you believe Adobe is doing this?" but that was perfectly fine with me.

Unfortunately, things change, and developer evangelism ceased to exist. I've got my opinions about that but, at the end of the day, it is what it is. I hopped around to a few different groups, each time being surprised - again - by how friendly and smart the people at Adobe were - but my heart wasn't in it.

I like to teach. I like to share. As shy as I am in most situations, I love to be in front of a group of developers showing them cool crap. To this day I remember the joy of my very first program running (after an hour or so of it failing) and when I present I feel like I get to share some of that joy with others.


I'm happy to announce that - starting in February - I'll be joining IBM as a MobileFirst Developer Evangelist, the same team my buddy, and former coworker, Andy Trice is on. The platform makes use of Apache Cordova so you can expect me to still blog quite heavily on it. Once I google how to tie a tie, I expect to be on the road as I was before with Adobe so hopefully I can meet more of my readers this year.

I'm excited, scared, and anxious to start this new adventure. Wish me luck!