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With the last big release of Apache Cordova, plugins have now moved to npm. (Details may be found here: Plugins Release and Moving plugins to npm: April 21, 2015. One temporary side effect of this move is that the documentation is no longer working. So for example, when you go to the Camera plugin page, you see this:


This is simply a bug and one that will be fixed soon. (And if you're curious, you can track the bug here: Markdown incompatible with GitHub flavour markdown) In the meantime, you've got a simple way to get to the docs.

Click the repo link on the right hand side:


This takes you to the repo at Apache, which may be a bit weird to you if you've only used GitHub before. Click tree to go to the source tree:


Then click the Raw link next to README.md. (Note there is also a useful RELEASENOTES.md file as well.)


And there ya go - the docs. Obviously this won't be an issue for long, but for folks who may not be familiar with npm and Apache's repo system, I thought this might help.