Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

logo_JavaScript For the past five or so years, my biggest focus (development-wise) has been on JavaScript and web development. Luckily nothing has changed much during those years. (Ahem.) I've discovered that I'm probably not smart enough to reach the upper levels of JavaScript development. I've got a lot of respect for those who do, but frankly, I'm happy enough if I can simply be competent as a JavaScript programmer.

I've been thinking about what skills/traits/tools/etc make up a good intermediate JavaScript developer and next Wednesday (June 10) night I'll be giving a presentation to the Chicagoland ColdFusion User Group on the topic. I'm not flying to Chicago, but instead will be giving the presentation online via Adobe Connect. The meeting opens up at 6:30 CST and I'll probably go for an hour. If you can't make it, I'll share the recording later. (I'm actually going on vacation the very next day, so I may be a bit slow in getting that post up.) The meeting URL is: http://experts.adobeconnect.com/ccfug-06-10-15/.

Obviously, this will be my opinion on what practices developers should follow and I highly encourage folks to give their own opinions as well. In general, when I do presentations for user groups like this I give priority to questions from the local group, but I'll also try to answer questions from folks just in the Connect room as well.