Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

After spending last week in Australia and New Zealand (NZ wins for best food and beer), I'll be heading around the planet again next week for more sessions on Apache Cordova, Ionic, and Bluemix. Next week I'll be hitting Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, and Manilla. I've got details for my sessions for the first two cities and will post the Manilla links when I can.

(A quick note - the details on these sessions may change a bit.)

The first session is possibly not titled entirely well, but here it is: Zero to Hero with IBM Bluemix. While the title doesn't mention it, I'll be spending about one hour on Ionic and then the next part on Bluemix and how you can use it with Ionic.

The next session, Zero to Hero with IBM Bluemix is a longer block (9AM - 2PM with lunch included I believe - don't quote me on that) where I'll be running a lab where you can bring your laptop and learn Cordova, Ionic, and Bluemix.

After Kuala Lumpur I'll then be in Singapore. My first session is Bluemix SG Meetup #4: Rapid Mobile Development with Ionic Framework. This is a multi hour event due to food and stuff, but is mainly an hour of me talking about Ionic.

Then I have a three hour block: [Workshop] Build your Hybrid Mobile App with Ionic, MobileFirst and Bluemix. This will be another session where you can bring your laptop along.

Please note that all of these sessions are 100% free and I'll be brining some schwag with me to give away.