Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

So yeah, the title says it all. Due to a family issue, I had to cancel my speaking engagement at DevNexus this year. The good news is that my session on Ionic Services is being covered by a member of the Ionic team, Mike Hartington. That's about the best kind of replacement you can get.

For folks who want to learn more about Ionic services, I'd be happy to give a Google Hangout presentation online sometime next week. If I can get at least two people to comment and say they would attend, that's enough for me to take an hour out of my day and stream a quick presentation.

As an aside, the 'family issue' is a good one and isn't anything to be concerned about. (And no, it doesn't involve me flying to China again.)

My next presentation will be at FluentConf where I'll be speaking on StrongLoop.