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Just a quick post to share a few things I learned this morning about PowerShell scripts and Windows Subsystem for Linux. I was trying to find a CLI way to set my screen resolution. I'm going to be recording some videos and wanted a quicker way to enter the right resolution, and then return.

My Googling turned up this blog post, Hey, Scripting Guy! How Can I Change My Desktop Monitor Resolution via Windows PowerShell?. While most of the post didn't really make sense to me, it led me to this this code listing, Set-ScreenResolution. I took the code and saved it as screenres.ps1 and tried to run it via PowerShell, but when I did, nothing happened.

Turns out - the script was incomplete. It's basically (and this is my take on it) a function that is meant to be the top of a script file. The script needs to actually call the function before it will do anything.

So in other words, after saving his code and opening it up in my editor, I then added this to the bottom:

Set-ScreenResolution -Width 1360 -Height 768

I saved it as screenrespreso.ps1 and was good to go. I then edited the width and height for my normal resolution (3840x2160) and saved that as restorepreso.ps1.

Probably obvious to anyone who has used PowerShell scripts before, but definitely confusing for me.

And of course - you can run this from WSL. Just add -File to the command:

powershell.exe -File "c:\users\ray\Desktop\restorescreenres.ps1"

Note that you have to include the .exe at the end and the path is the "real" Windows path, not the WSL version of it under /mnt/c. I could make this easier with aliases of course.