Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

A little over three years ago I was reached out to by an employee of IBM asking if I'd be interested in a developer relations role with them. I had been looking for a devrel role for some time (my position at Adobe had changed after I joined) and I was interested in what IBM had to offer. To be honest, outside of boring (yet I'm sure important) mainframes and Watson, I really didn't know what IBM had to offer for developers.

I'm sure really important things are happening here...

Imagine my surprise when I discovered that they absolutely did have things relevant to me as a developer. First - I had no idea that Watson, the same Watson I had seen on TV and in the press, had a full set of APIs that allowed me to make use of it in my own applications. (By the way, now that I'm leaving, I can tell you that, secretly, Watson is known as Skynet internally. Haha, just joking. Maybe.)

I then discovered the awesomeness of IBM Bluemix (now known as IBM Cloud). While certainly not the first Platform as a Service (PaaS) solution, it was easy to use and damn well designed.

Frankly - I ended up kicking myself for not paying more attention to IBM.

I've had a good time over the past few years talking about various IBM technologies, open source projects like LoopBack, and serverless with OpenWhisk. However, an opportunity came up that truly excited me and I thought it was too good to pass up.

I've had the pleasure of working with some incredible talented people and the opportunty to learn a lot. My last day will next Friday, the 23rd, and I'll be sharing the news of my next adventure, soon after.

Header photo by Esaias Tan on Unsplash