I wasn't able to make this year's VueConf US (even though it was in my backyard), but luckily, some of the videos from the conference are online:
Right now there's just 4 sessions, but they are incredibly good presentations including Rachel Nabor's on Vue's transition support for animations and Edd Yerburgh on testing Vue apps.
While at the site, take note of the "Notify me" button on the right. You can sign up there to be notified when new videos are added. From what I know, all the videos will be available eventually. Plus, if you sign up, the fine folks at Vue Mastery will send you a Vue PDF cheat sheet that is really freaking nice:

It's two pages in length and I'm probably going to print it out for my home office. Actually disregard what I said above. If you don't feel like signing up for updates, you can still get the PDF here: https://www.vuemastery.com/pdf/Vue-Essentials-Cheat-Sheet.pdf. As I said, it is definitely worth downloading!