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One of my goals for 2018 was to become an "expert on Vue". While I think I'm years away from considering myself an expert, I've spent a lot of time digging into it and trying to become better skilled with it, and all the various things in the "Vue ecosphere" like Vuex, Veutify, and more. I'm happy to announce that this May, I'll be giving a three hour course on learning Vue.js:

Getting Up to Speed with Vue.js

This is an online course that covers everything from Vue basics to working with routing and the store. I really think it will be a great way to get introduced to Vue, see how it works, and start building applications right away. There will be a second class given in June but I don't yet see a way to register for that. (It's June 22nd so they may be waiting for the May class to end before opening up registration for the second.)

Here's the current outline, although I may tweak it between now and then:

Segment 1: Beginning Vue.js (65 min total)

  • Why/What/How Vue.js? (15 min)
  • Vue Basics (20 min)
  • Exercise 1 – Palindrome Checker (10 min)
  • Exercise 2 – Ajax Search (10 min)
  • Break+Q/A (10 min)

Segment 2: Building Components (45 min total)

  • What are components? (5 min)
  • Working with Properties and Events (10 min)
  • Working with Slots (10 min)
  • Exercise 1 – Music Component (10 min)
  • Break+Q/A (10 min)

Segment 3: Routing (25 min)

  • Working with Routing (10 min)
  • Exercise 1 – Master/Detail (10 min)
  • Q/A (5 min)

Segment 4: State Management with Vuex (40 min)

  • What's a store? What’s Vuex? (5 min)
  • Working with Stores (20 min)
  • Exercise 1 – Cat Store demo (10 min)
  • Break+Q/A (5 min)

Segment 5: Building Apps with the CLI (30 min)

  • What the CLI does + Installing (5 min)
  • Generating an App (10 min)
  • Resources (5 min)
  • Final Q/A (10 min)

If you want to learn Vue, and learn it with me (cat demos for the win!) then sign up and join me next month!

Header photo by Geert Pieters on Unsplash