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So as I announced back in April, I'm giving an online course on Vue.js. The May course was cancelled but the June one for the 22nd is still on.
Getting Up to Speed with Vue.js
While I'm biased, I definitely think this will be a great course for people who want an introduction to Vue. I've included the outline from the previous post below.
Segment 1: Beginning Vue.js (65 min total)
- Why/What/How Vue.js? (15 min)
- Vue Basics (20 min)
- Exercise 1 – Palindrome Checker (10 min)
- Exercise 2 – Ajax Search (10 min)
- Break+Q/A (10 min)
Segment 2: Building Components (45 min total)
- What are components? (5 min)
- Working with Properties and Events (10 min)
- Working with Slots (10 min)
- Exercise 1 – Music Component (10 min)
- Break+Q/A (10 min)
Segment 3: Routing (25 min)
- Working with Routing (10 min)
- Exercise 1 – Master/Detail (10 min)
- Q/A (5 min)
Segment 4: State Management with Vuex (40 min)
- What's a store? What’s Vuex? (5 min)
- Working with Stores (20 min)
- Exercise 1 – Cat Store demo (10 min)
- Break+Q/A (5 min)
Segment 5: Building Apps with the CLI (30 min)
- What the CLI does + Installing (5 min)
- Generating an App (10 min)
- Resources (5 min)
- Final Q/A (10 min)
I hope to see you there.
Header photo by Geert Pieters on Unsplash