Well, my grand plan to do one blog post per day of Vue quick tips failed rather quickly, but I can get two out today and get back on track. Honest, I can. While I wasn't planning on making every tip link to the previous one, my first two tips do exactly that.
My first tip explained how to disable a submit button while you waited for an Ajax call to finish. (Or any async call, and I actually used window.setTimeout
instead of Ajax.) Today's tip builds on that by adding a rather simple, but helpful, modification - a loading message.
In the previous example, when you hit the submit button I disabled it while we waited for the result. You can see that in the CodePen below.
See the Pen Disable submit v2 by Raymond Camden (@cfjedimaster) on CodePen.
While the disabled button lets the user know something is going on, it would be nice to be a bit more obvious. First, let's add a new conditional div to the layout:
<div id="app" v-cloak>
<form @submit.prevent="doSearch">
<input type="search" v-model="term" placeholder="Search">
<input type="submit" value="Perform Search" :disabled="searchDisabled">
<div v-if="searching">
<p><i>Please stand by, I'm searching...</i></p>
<div v-if="result">
<b>The result: </b>
Right in the middle you can see a new condition, v-if="searching"
and a message inside. You could also generate an Ajax loader if you want...

I then tweaked my JavaScript a little bit:
Vue.config.productionTip = false;
Vue.config.devtools = false;
const app = new Vue({
data: {
async doSearch() {
if(this.term === '') return;
console.log(`search for ${this.term}`);
//disable the button
this.searchDisabled = true;
// clear previous result
this.result = '';
this.searching = true;
this.result = await searchMyAPI(this.term);
//re-enable the button
this.searchDisabled = false;
this.searching = false;
async function searchMyAPI(s) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
window.setTimeout(() => {
resolve(`something for ${s}`);
}, 3000);
I added a default value for searching
and within doSearch
, I set it to true before the search and back to false after. Here's a CodePen you can test with:
See the Pen Loading Message by Raymond Camden (@cfjedimaster) on CodePen.
That's it for this tip. I'll have the next one up later today, and hopefully, one more for Thursday and Friday. Enjoy!