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One of the cool little features Netlify has is the ability to add a "build status" graphic to your site. You can find this by logging on to your Netlify admin, going to your site settings, and scrolling to status badges:

Netlify instructions for adding a status badge

And here's a live example, right in my blog post:

Netlify Status

This works well, but I was curious what it would take to have a more controlled way of displaying the build status. There's an API for returning build information: listSiteDeploys. You can use this API with either a site ID or site domain, which means I can get a list of my deploys at this location:


This returns an array of deploy results with the most recent being first. Here's an example of how that result looks (taken from their docs):

    "id": "string",
    "site_id": "string",
    "user_id": "string",
    "build_id": "string",
    "state": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "url": "string",
    "ssl_url": "string",
    "admin_url": "string",
    "deploy_url": "string",
    "deploy_ssl_url": "string",
    "screenshot_url": "string",
    "review_id": 0,
    "draft": true,
    "required": [
    "required_functions": [
    "error_message": "string",
    "branch": "string",
    "commit_ref": "string",
    "commit_url": "string",
    "skipped": true,
    "created_at": "string",
    "updated_at": "string",
    "published_at": "string",
    "title": "string",
    "context": "string",
    "locked": true,
    "review_url": "string",
    "site_capabilities": {
      "large_media_enabled": true

So to get the current deploy status, you need logic to get the deploys and simply return the first item in the array. I build a serverless function called deploy-status that does this:

const siteId = 'www.raymondcamden.com';
const token = process.env.NETLIFY_TOKEN;
const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const handler = async (event) => {
  try {

    let endpoint = `https://api.netlify.com/api/v1/sites/${siteId}/deploys`;
    let result = await fetch(endpoint, {
      headers: {
        'Authorization':`Bearer ${token}`
    let data = await result.json();
    // first entry is last deploy
    let lastDeploy = data[0];
    // it contains a lot more info then we need
    let deploy = {
      state: lastDeploy.state, 
      created_at: lastDeploy.created_at, 
      updated_at: lastDeploy.updated_at, 
      error_message: lastDeploy.error_message,
      published_at: lastDeploy.published_at,
      deploy_time: lastDeploy.deploy_time,
      screeenshot_url: lastDeploy.screeenshot_url

    return {
      statusCode: 200,
      body: JSON.stringify(deploy),
  } catch (error) {
    return { statusCode: 500, body: error.toString() }

module.exports = { handler }

As you can see, I hit the endpoint and pass in my security token (you can get this from your Netlify profile page, I've set it up as an environment variable). I get the latest deploy, and then I made some decisions about what to return. I felt like there was some sensitive information in the status result as well as stuff I just didn't think I needed. Therefore I create a new variable of the "important" stuff from the status and return that. You can see this right now on my site if you go here:


Here's an example result:

  "state": "ready",
  "created_at": "2020-11-03T19:31:05.661Z",
  "updated_at": "2020-11-03T19:38:16.374Z",
  "error_message": null,
  "published_at": "2020-11-03T19:38:13.380Z",
  "deploy_time": 425

Cool! So at this point you can do just about anything. For me, I decided to add information about my build status to my stats page. I added two new fields to the data I display. First is the build status. If the result of the call is ready, then it means published. If my build is published, then I render the published_at result. You can get the complete source of my stats page (along with the rest of the site) on my GitHub repo for the site, but here's the simple Vue.js code I'm using in my create method:

// new work to show build status
let buildReq = await fetch('/.netlify/functions/deploy-status');
let buildData = await buildReq.json();
if(buildData.state === 'ready') {
	this.buildStatus = 'Published';
	this.buildTime = buildData.published_at;
	this.buildPublished = true;
} else this.buildStatus = buildData.state;

As I said, you can see this on my stats page if you're curious. I hope this little example is useful. Most of my Netlify API posts relate to analytics which are not officially supported, but this time everything I've shown is safe to use. Enjoy!