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QR codes have been around for some time now, but I have to admit, when I think about QR codes, I normally think of one thing:

Honestly, I really don't think too much about them, but I've definitely noticed since COVID, I'm seeing an uptick in their usage, especially at restaurants as a way to skip handing out disease-covered menus. (Which is fine by the way, but if your going to do this, stop using a PDF as your menu.)

A few days ago, Dan Fascia suggested I take a look at it, and honestly, it ended up being so darn simple I was a bit surprised.

I did a quick search and came across node-qrcode, a simple to use Node library for generating QR codes. It supports CLI usage, browser, and Node usage too which is nice to see. It can output the result as binary, SVG, or even to a data URL.

I decided to go the data URL route as I figured it would be the simplest. I wouldn't need to figure out where to store the image and ensure it would be available in the production build.

So - I began with a simple Eleventy site that displayed a list of cats.

List of cats

This was driven by a static JSON file:



I then built a pagination template for my cats:

layout: main
    data: cats
    size: 1
    alias: cat
permalink: "cats/{{ cat.name | slug }}/"
    title: "{{cat.name }}"

<h2>{{ cat.name }}</h2>

<img src="{{ cat.picture }}" width="300" height="300">

{{ cat.name }} is {{ cat.gender }} and is {{ cat.age}} years old.

{% comment %}
page.url is just the last part, so we use a data variable for the host.
{% endcomment %}
{% assign url = site.host | append: page.url  | append: "?fromqr=1" %}

Scan the code below to share the link with others:<br/>
<img src="{{ url | qrcode }}" alt="QR code for this URL.">

<a href="/">Home</a>

This is pretty boilerplate pagination stuff for Eleventy, but take special note of the comment. As it says, Eleventy provides a URL value for a page, but it's just the path, so for example, /cats/fluffy/. In order to create a "full" URL, I ended up making a new data file called site.json that simply has my host:


You could probably use a JavaScript file instead and generate the host dynamically, but this was simpler and worked just fine.

Back to the template, I create a url variable consisting of that host, the current page, and a query string value. I figure marketers will want to know when a page is loaded from a QR code so I added that to the end.

I then output the image and use a shortcode, qrcode, to get my data. As my .eleventy.js is really small, I'll share the entire thing:

const qrCode = require('qrcode');

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {

	eleventyConfig.addFilter("qrcode", async function(value) {

		return await qrCode.toDataURL(value);



Yeah, that's about as simple as you can get. Here's how the page renders:

Page with rendered QR code

You can see this for yourself here: https://eleventy-qrcodes.netlify.app/ I pointed my camera at one of the cat pages and the camera picked up on the code right away.

As I said, this felt ridiculously easy, which is a good thing, right? You can peruse the complete code here, https://github.com/cfjedimaster/eleventy-demos/tree/master/qrcodes. Let me know what you think!

Photo by Mitya Ivanov on Unsplash