Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

First off, a quick note to my email subscribers and RSS followers - I'm considering doing more short, "FYI" style posts like this, along with using my email list more often, to help cover people who manage to not live on Twitter. I'd like to be able to share quick updates here along with more in-depth blog posts. I reserve the right to change my mind on that too (grin) but consider this a quick heads up.

Next week, on Monday, March 28, I'll be giving my first presentation to the Eleventy Meetup. If you remember a few weeks ago I blogged on including RSS content in your Eleventy site. At the meetup, I'll be talking about that, and going a bit beyond what I showed in the initial blog post. If you can't make it, I plan on sharing those updates in a blog post as well.

Details and more may be found here: Ep. 7: Structuring 11ty Projects and Rendering RSS Content

I hope to see you there!