It's been a little while since I've shared a links post, and while I usually save them for the weekend, I thought it would be nice to start off August with one. Also, yesterday I was busy being incredibly lazy.

Learn to Use Pipedream

Readers here know I'm a huge fan of Pipedream (you can see my posts on it here). Recently they released Pipedream University, a set of free online lessons that cover how to get started building workflows. If you've been looking to give it a try, this is a great way to learn what you'll need.

Eleventy 2.0 Goodies

A few weeks ago Zach tweeted about some things coming to the next major version of Eleventy:

Of interest here (to me anyway) are the Internationalization updates. There's a new plugin to help with linking as well as new docs about setting up a project properly. This is further helped with a new URL transforms feature.

If you weren't aware, the Eleventy project is using milestones to track their work on 2.0 and you can see the complete list here:

Andor Trailer

And now for something completely unrelated from tech - the new trailer for the next Star Wars show to arrive on Disney Plus, Andor:

"Rogue One" is my favorite Star Wars film so I'm really looking forward to this!