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A long time ago, ok, February of last year, I posted about using the Adobe PDF Embed library with Vue.js: Using the PDF Embed API with Vue.js. The main issue with our Embed library and libraries like Vue is a "chicken and egg" issue. Basically, our docs tell you to add an event listener for our library to load, but it's possible that the library has loaded before you add the event listener.

In my previous post, I talked about how you can still use the event listener, but also look for window.AdobeDC to see if it's loaded. This method would apply to any framework wanting to make use of the library so it's a good tip in general.

Today, a user on our forums posted that they were having issues with the library and Vue 3, although it was something completely different.

First off - they didn't have the "chicken/egg" issue I described above. They were loading our library dynamically in mounted:

mounted() {
document.addEventListener("adobe_dc_view_sdk.ready", () => {
	this.adobeApiPDFReady = true;
	console.log("Adobe created with adobe_dc_view_sdk.ready");

// Dynamically load Adobe SDK Viewer for this page
const plugin = document.createElement("script");
plugin.async = true;

I like this approach! Anyway, they had no problem creating an AdobeDCView object for their PDF. They used a watch on this.adobeApiPDFReady:

watch: {
	adobeApiPDFReady(val) {
		if (val) {
			// val == true ; Adobe is loaded on page
			this.adobeDCView = new window.AdobeDC.View({
				clientId: "9861538238544ff39d37c6841344b78d",
				divId: "pdfview",
			console.log("Adobe is mounted with Client ID");

So far so good. They then used a button to trigger displaying the PDF:

<button @click="openPDF">Click to view file</button>
<div id="pdfview"></div>

And here's the method:

openPDF() {
	console.log("Trying to open PDF");
	// Opening preview with default settings from https://developer.adobe.com/document-services/docs/overview/pdf-embed-api/#live-demo
		content: {
			location: {
		metaData: { fileName: "hamlet.pdf" },

This is all boilerplate per our docs, just slightly modified for Vue, for example, this.adobeDCView to represent Vue's data. However when previewFile was called, this error was returned:

Vue Error

Honestly I was completely at a loss as to why this error was being thrown. Nothing seemed amiss. I ensured that the div element was being found correctly. I ensured that the library was really loaded. Nothing made sense.

Then - purely on a whim - I changed adobeDCView from a Vue value (i.e. in the this scope for the component) to window.adobeDCView. It started working!

I then tried this:

watch: {
	adobeApiPDFReady(val) {
		if (val) {
			// val == true ; Adobe is loaded on page
			this.adobeDCView = new window.AdobeDC.View({
				clientId: "9861538238544ff39d37c6841344b78d",
				divId: "pdfview",

			window.ray = new window.AdobeDC.View({
				clientId: "9861538238544ff39d37c6841344b78d",
				divId: "pdfview",

			console.log("Adobe is mounted with Client ID");

And inside my code calling previewFile, did:

console.log("Ray", this.adobeDCView);
console.log("Ray2", window.ray);

And saw this:

Note how the Vue object is a Proxy, which makes sense - Vue's data is reactive and all. Honestly I'm not sure why I didn't have this issue before, but certainly Vue 3 is a significant update from Vue 2. So, I didn't want to use a window object as it felt... wrong. I did a bit of searching and found this StackOverflow answer: How to make a template variable non-reactive in Vue which led to a note in the official docs on the use of Object.freeze().

I literally just changed this:

watch: {
	adobeApiPDFReady(val) {
		if (val) {
		// val == true ; Adobe is loaded on page
		this.adobeDCView = Object.freeze(new window.AdobeDC.View({
			clientId: "9861538238544ff39d37c6841344b78d",
			divId: "pdfview",
		console.log("Adobe is mounted with Client ID");

And it worked! Here's an embedded CodeSandbox showing it in action:

As always, let me know if this doesn't work for you!