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A few days ago I blogged about a page I added to my site to render all six thousand plus blog posts I've published. It's one of many "one-off" pages I've built here for various reasons, so as I was the intended target, I wasn't terribly concerned about the speed or UX of the page itself. I knew the code generating the page was kinda crap, but as it was a build-time only concern, I didn't think too much about it.

The more I thought about it though, the more I was curious about just how "bad" my page was. To be clear, it's definitely bad logic. If you didn't read the previous post, I'm doing this to generate the "all" page:

  • Get all posts
  • Figure out my year range (first post to last)
  • For every year, loop over every post and print a link if the year of the post matches the year of the index

That's roughly 20 (years) * 6000 (number of posts) iterations, or 120K. Luckily, however, this is the only inefficient code I've written in my life so I don't feel too bad. But I decided to do some digging to see if I could figure out some details on just how bad it is.

Before I start sharing examples, note that I'm testing this locally where I've got an .eleventyignore file that ignores a vast majority of my site. To see how bad things are, I went ahead and renamed that so I could see what would happen in production. Also, I'm using Eleventy 2.0.0-canary.16 except in one case that I'll specifically call out.

First Attempt - Simple Timings

The first thing I tried was as simple as you could get, printing out the time before and after the 'bad' code. To do that, I used this code:

{{ "now" | date:"%H:%M:%S:%L" | log }}

This prints out the current time to the millisecond. When I did a build, I got the following:


As you can see, roughly 4 seconds. As you can see, not bad. I thought about getting fancier and printing the difference in milliseconds. I thought I could assign the value to a variable and then use Liquid's minus filter, but while you can get "time since epoch" as a date format filter, it's in seconds, not milliseconds. You could multiply that out, but I was worried about the loss in precision when doing so.

Ok, so that seemed cool, and I really wanted to keep my code to the template in question, but for the heck of it, I created this shortcode:

let _timer;
eleventyConfig.addLiquidShortcode("timer", () => {
if(!_timer) {
    _timer = new Date();
    console.log('TIMER INITIALIZED');
} else {
    let now = new Date();
    console.log('TIMER DIFF: ', now.getTime() - _timer.getTime());
    _timer = new Date();

This uses a global variable, _timer, to record the current time, and then print the diff on the second and later calls. I can then just add timer calls to my code. Here it is in the all.liquid template:

layout: page
title: All Posts
description: Every.... single post. Ever
body_class: page-template

{% assign posts = collections.posts | reverse %}

{% assign thisYear = "now" | date: "%Y" %}
{% assign firstPost = collections.posts | first %}
{% assign firstYear = firstPost.date | date: "%Y" %}

{% timer %}
{% for year in (firstYear..thisYear) reversed %}

        <h3>Posts for {{ year }}</h3>
        {% for post in posts %}
            {% assign postYear = post.date | date: "%Y" | plus: 0 %}
            {% if postYear == year %}
                <a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.data.title }}</a> ({{ post.date | date: "%m/%d/%Y" }})<br/>
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

{% timer %}


{% timer %}

The poop at the end was just a quick way for me to confirm that a third call would properly show the difference after the second call. This returned the following lovely output:


Because I can't get tinkering, I remembered that Node itself had some timing code built in. I did a quick search, and found the console.time function. Together with console.timeEnd and console.timeLog, it lets you create timers. While it doesn't require a label, I built a short code that would allow for it. It doesn't ever "end" the timer, which I think is ok but I'm not certain:

let _timer2 = {};
eleventyConfig.addLiquidShortcode("timer2", (label) => {
if(!_timer2[label]) {
    _timer2[label] = true;
} else {

Obviously, I wouldn't use timer2, just timer, but I was testing this along with my earlier shortcode. I added it to my template like so:

{% timer2 "all loop" %}

Here's how it outputs:

all loop: 3.430s
all loop: 3.431s

This doesn't show a diff but has highly accurate timings. The first output is after the slow code, and the second is after the poop. (Sorry, I'm basically 12 years old.)

Second Attempt - Debugging

For my second attempt, I remembered that Eleventy would report timing information in aggregate when doing a build, for example:

[11ty] Copied 38 files / Wrote 6399 files in 35.28 seconds (5.5ms each, v2.0.0-canary.16)

And I also remembered it would "flag" data files that took too long. But I was curious if there were more options available via the CLI. Turns out, there's a DEBUG value you can use at the CLI as documented here: Performance

Before I continue, let me say that it is FREAKING REFRESHING for a technical site like the Eleventy docs to provide instructions for both Mac/Linux and Windows. I'm really tired of sites that assume Mac/Linux and don't provide help for Windows users, especially in this case where the syntax is different.

In my case, I'm on WSL, so I used this command:

DEBUG=Eleventy:Benchmark* npx @11ty/eleventy

This returns a lot of information, but here's a snippet:

Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      2ms   0%     2× (Aggregate) > Compile > ./_posts/2021/05/16/2021-05-16-building-a-choose-your-own-adventure-site-with-eleventy.md +0ms
Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      2ms   0%     2× (Aggregate) > Compile > ./_posts/2021/11/13/2021-11-13-congratulating-yourself-with-pipedream-and-microsoft-to-do.md +0ms
Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      2ms   0%     2× (Aggregate) > Compile > ./_posts/2022/06/18/2022-06-18-building-a-quiz-with-eleventy-and-eleventy-serverless.md +0ms
Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      2ms   0%     2× (Aggregate) > Compile > ./_posts/2022/09/13/2022-09-13-discover-new-music-with-the-spotify-api-and-pipedream.md +0ms
Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      0ms   0%    21× (Aggregate) (count) > Render Permalink > ./categories.liquid (21 pages) +0ms
Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      2ms   0%    42× (Aggregate) > Render > ./categories.liquid (21 pages) +0ms
Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      0ms   0% 12908× (Aggregate) (count) Template Compile Cache Hit +0ms
Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      0ms   0%    45× (Aggregate) (count) > Render Permalink > ./tags.liquid (45 pages) +0ms
Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      1ms   0%    90× (Aggregate) > Render > ./tags.liquid (45 pages) +0ms
Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      7ms   0%     1× (Aggregate) > Render > ./recentPosts.md +0ms
Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      4ms   0%     1× (Aggregate) > Render > ./readme.md +0ms
Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      6ms   0%     1× (Aggregate) > Render > ./index.liquid +0ms
Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark   3652ms  10%     1× (Aggregate) > Render > ./all.liquid +1ms
Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark     63ms   0%     1× (Aggregate) > Compile > ./theme/post.liquid +0ms
Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      4ms   0%     1× (Aggregate) > Compile > ./theme/default.liquid +0ms
Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      3ms   0%     1× (Aggregate) > Compile > ./theme/page.liquid +0ms
Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      3ms   0%     1× (Aggregate) > Compile > ./theme/tag.liquid +0ms
Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      3ms   0%     1× (Aggregate) > Compile > ./theme/category.liquid +0ms
Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark   8874ms  24%  6399× (Aggregate) Template Write +0ms
Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark     18ms   0%     1× (Data) `./_data/medium.js` +6ms
[11ty] Copied 38 files / Wrote 6399 files in 36.24 seconds (5.7ms each, v2.0.0-canary.16)

You'll find all.liquid kind of in the middle there and you can see it's a huge part of the total time. Although not the worse, further up in the output I found:

Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark  11702ms  32%    38× (Aggregate) Passthrough Copy File +0ms

Which frankly was surprising, as I didn't think I was copying that many files. I do have multiple calls to addPassthroughCopy in my config, but all in all I didn't think that many files were being copied. I've got something new to research now.

Speaking of Mac/Linux versus Windows things, I discovered that the debug information above was not "regular" output. I discovered this when I added a pipe > output.txt and it still printed to the screen. After a quick search, I discovered this syntax:

command >file.txt 2>&1

The part at the end is what handles grabbing the non-standard output and piping it as well. Apparently, the debug info was stderr, which ... seems weird, but whatever. That worked. :)

Cool, so on to the third idea!

Third Attempt - Directory Output Plugin

When I first started looking into this, I reached out to Zach on Mastodon (note, Eleventy has an official presence now: https://fosstodon.org/@eleventy), and he shared a plugin I remember hearing about, but never actually used: Directory Output. You install it by simply adding it to your config and then using addPlugin, once done, the result is a very nicely rendered table:

Directory Plugin output

The above screenshot is only part of it, but you can see how it renders both size and timings, which is cool. You can also configure a warning for files that are too large, and honestly, I was surprised my all page didn't trigger that, but it is just a bunch of short links, so perhaps it's not too bad.

I do want to point out that there is a reported bug with this plugin and the latest Eleventy Canary. I generated the result above using version 1.0.2.

Final Thoughts

So, I did all of this and I still didn't bother improving my all page. Honestly, I just wanted to learn what my options are, and one thing Eleventy has been really consistent about is providing multiple ways to solve problems. This is truly why I love the project!

Photo by Kolleen Gladden on Unsplash