Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

Welcome to another "Links For You" post. My queue of links to share seems to be growing quicker than my schedule of posting these (roughly every two weeks), so I may post one next week as well. As always, I hope these posts are useful and informative for yall. Before getting into the links, I'm going to do a bit of a "PBS Fundraiser" request. A while ago, I set up a service for folks to subscribe to the blog and get emails on every new post. This was done via Mailchimp and I documented the process of how you could do it too: Adding an Email Subscription to Your Jamstack Site

Unfortunately, their "RSS to mail" campaign feature has a bug where for each unique item added to your RSS, you get an email two days in a row. Mailchimp is aware of the issue but it hasn't been corrected yet. Doubly unfortunate is that with my subscriber list now over a hundred people and with me blogging more, I'm hitting the free tier limit. To their credit, when I reach out to Mailchimp and ask for additional credit, they've always given it to me, but even once they fix it, I'm on a trajectory to hit the limits again.

The first commercial tier is only 13 dollars a month, and would certainly cover me for some time even with continued growth. Right now my blog costs nothing to me and I'm trying to keep it that way. If a few folks signed up for my Patreon, that would be all I need to cover the costs and I'd definitely appreciate it. If a company wishes to cover the cost, I'd also be willing to call them out and thank them on these "Links For You" posts. I'll try not to get too annoying about asking for pledges, honest. ;)

Pledge drive

The End of Computer Magazines in America

When I was younger and beginning my lifelong passion for coding, I devoured computer magazines. As a kid, my favorite was Family Computing. (You can find an archive of it online.) Every issue had programs for multiple computer systems that I would type, by hand (uphill, in the snow, etc.) and it really helped me develop a love for coding. Later in life, I would regularly read one or two PC magazines a month. It's been years since I've done it and this article does a great job of discussing how they came to an end: "The End of Computer Magazines in America". Thank you to Axel Rauschmayer for the share!


List.js is a fascinating little library that adds search, sorting, and filters to HTML lists and tables. It's got a simple API and looks like a great way to make sets of data easier for folks to work with. It's a simple JavaScript library that doesn't require any other framework and is only 5kb gzipped. Even better, it's got a nice CDN URL too making it easy to play with. You can see an example of it in action below.

See the Pen Untitled by Raymond Camden (@cfjedimaster) on CodePen.

Learning about MutationObserver

For the last link this week, here's a fascinating article on a Web API I didn't know existed: "Use a MutationObserver to Handle DOM Nodes that Don’t Exist Yet". The MutationObserver API lets you observe your DOM (either the body or a smaller portion) and recognize when changes occur. It's got a pretty simple API and great support. This excellent blog post was written by Alex MacArthur