Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

A quick links post today as I'm on vacation with my family in Saint Louis. I grew up here but haven't been back in some time. STL is a great city with some really cool things to do. My favorite stop so far has been the Arch. I visited the Arch many times growing up but I forgot how majestic it was.

Picture of the Arch

Before I get to the links, some news. As I mentioned a few times, I've been looking for a sponsor to pay for a new mail service. MailChimp is great, but I've hit the limits of their free tier. I've decided to switch to Buttondown which will cost me a few bucks a month but seems to be more affordable than MailChimp and with 100% of the features I need baked in. I was ok with writing some code, but writing no code is even better. I'll also be using a new RSS feed for the emails that only returns an excerpt. That will mean smaller emails sent out which I think will work better in email clients.

Dynamic Slots in Web Components

This is a pretty fascinating article by Cory LaViska that explores how dynamic slots could be supported within web components. He makes it clear that this might not be a good idea, but it's a really interesting technique.

The 2023 State of Jamstack Report

Even though Jamstack is dead (see next link), you might still be interested in the report by Kontent.ai. It's one of those "sign up and we'll send you a PDF" things which I'm not a fan of, but you can get your copy of the report here.

Jamstack is Dead!

Forgive the clickbait header. ;) My good friend and Jamstack book coauthor Brian Rinaldi wrote up an interesting article on recent updates in the Jamstack ecosystem, "Is Jamstack Officially Finished?". I've been involved in this space way before the term even came to be, and it's been fascinating to see it evolve in both technological features as well as how it's marketed. In general, I agree with Brian's conclusion that we will see less "broad" Jamstack resources/events/etc as developers and communities tend to focus more closely on specific tools.