Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

For a while now I've been kicking around the idea of doing a live stream. I've done a good job this past year of working on my YouTube channel and I've enjoyed getting (slightly) better with that process. In general, though, my Youtube videos tend to "how to do X" type short walkthroughs. I like that, but I've wanted to give "live building" a try as I thought it would be fun to build stuff out in front of an audience. That's not something I can do in a presentation (typically) but could do in a live show. I considered Twitch, but in the end, reached out to Certified Fresh Events about hosting a show there instead. I've presented at CFE many times and think it's a great platform, and I'm pretty darn good friends with the owner which makes it a more friendly option for me.

With all that said, I'm happy to announce the launch of <Code><Br> - or, Code Break, starting February 6th at 12 PM CST: https://cfe.dev/talkshow/code-break/

This show will (generally) follow a schedule of the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. And as I said, the general idea is that each session I'll build something live in front of yall, but for this first session I'll be doing something a bit different and talking (and showing) my tech stack. I.e., what tools/programs/websites/etc I use as part of my day-to-day.

Please show up and use this opportunity to heckle me from the comfort of your office chair. Also, note I'll be posting these to YouTube as well so if you miss it, you can always catch the replay.

Finally, why not use the comments section below to leave me some ideas of things you would like to see me cover? I'm definitely open to your suggestions!