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A little over two years ago I published an "idle clicker game" built in Vue.js. I called it "IdleFleet" and was heavily inspired by games like A Dark Room, where I relied on simple text graphics and game mechanics that would change as you played. In my last <Code><Br> session, I walked through the process of building a simple text game and brought up IdleFleet as an example. While playing the game to refresh my memory about what I actually built... I discovered I actually really liked it. I decided it would be good to give it some attention with new features and other updates, but before I could do that, I knew I needed to switch from Vue to Alpine.js.

Why Vue to Alpine?

So, this is mostly my opinion, and feel free to skip to the next section, but as much as I respect Vue, I don't find it as appropriate these days for simpler web pages and non-"apps". I put "apps" in quotes because that means something different to different people. In general, when what you are building involves multiple different 'views' (a screen for X, a screen for Y), I generally consider that an app. A page with JavaScript for interactivity is simpler and Vue feels like overkill there. Alpine really fits the spot for these needs and that's part of the reason I've been so enamored of it the last year or so.

Also, and this is really now just an opinion, I kind of feel like Vue has lost some of its approachability it had in the older days. It's absolutely powerful, performant, and so forth, but I'm just finding myself a lot more comfortable with Alpine.

Ok, enough opinions, let's get into the process.

The Previous Code

Before I get started, you can browse the Vue version of the repository here: https://github.com/cfjedimaster/IdleFleet/tree/820f1bea20a33b6f9248ebdc687f9ce7c93235bf. My changes primarily revolve around two files: index.html and app.js (although I made a small change in app.css as well).

Library Change

The first change was the easiest, and resulted in hundreds of awesome console errors - swapping out the Vue CDN (<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@2.6.14/dist/vue.js"></script>) for Alpine (<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/alpinejs@3.x.x/dist/cdn.min.js" defer></script>).

Cloak Change

Both Vue and Alpine support the idea of a 'cloak' that will hide all the content of your application until the application is loaded. In Vue, you add v-cloak to your top-level container for your application and then add CSS to hide it. In Alpine, you just change this to x-cloak and rename the directive in CSS:

[x-cloak] {display: none}

Noting the App Container

Speaking of the app container, in a simple Vue app you could mark the 'area' where it would work with an ID and specify it in your Vue code with el:"name of area", so for example, this in HTML:

<div id="app" v-cloak">

And this in the JavaScript:

const app = new Vue({

In Alpine, you specify it in your HTML:

<div x-data="app" x-cloak>

And this is then referenced in JavaScript:

Alpine.data('app', () => ({

Filter Removal

Filters were removed in Vue 3, so I removed it and some config stuff as well:

Vue.filter('number', s =>  {
  return numberFormat(s);

Vue.config.productionTip = false;
Vue.config.devtools = false;

The filter just called a function (numberFormat) defined later in the code. If your are curious, that function simply makes use of the awesome Intl API:

function numberFormat(s) {
  if(!window.Intl) return s;
  return new Intl.NumberFormat().format(s);

Main Application Updating

In the previous version, the Vue app defined variables in a data key, had a list of functions in methods, and computed values in, well, computed. Basically the new Vue... part wrapped an object where data, methods, and computed functions were defined in separate blocks, also the init function.

When you define an Alpine application, you also define a top-level object, but there's no separation, you just provide a list of key/value pairs where each value can be simple reactive data or a function. You can mix this up as much as you want.

That being said, I try to organize my Alpine applications by putting data on top, and then methods. I don't usually worry about splitting up computed methods versus regular methods, but due to the size of this application, I did.

So I start off with variables:

 Alpine.data('app', () => ({
    credits: constants.INITIAL_CREDITS,
    mercantileSkill: 1,
    mercantileFlipped: false,
    shipSpeed: 1, 
    shipSpeedFlipped: false,
    lastCEPS: constants.INITIAL_CREDITS,

Then have my init:

async init() {
	setInterval(() => { this.heartBeat() }, 1000);
	setInterval(() => { this.randomMsg() }, constants.RANDOM_MSG_INTERVAL * 1000);
	setInterval(() => { this.doAutoShip() }, constants.AUTO_SHIP_DURATION * 1000);
	//random events are not on intervals, but kick off first one 5ish minutes
	setTimeout(() => { this.randomEvent() }, (5000 * 60) + (getRandomInt(0,3000)*60));
	// even though we dont show CEPS immediately, track immediately
	setInterval(() => { this.generateCEPS() }, constants.CEPS_DURATION * 1000);
	this.messages = await (await fetch('./messages.json')).json();

Then a set of methods, where I generally tried to use alphabetical sorting, with the exception of heartBeat as it's a pretty core method to the game.

Computed methods in Alpine are written as getters, but you don't have to specify the get keyword. I like doing so though as it makes it more obvious. Here's an example of two of them:

// getter section
get availableShips() {
	return this.ships.filter(s => s.available);

get autoShipAllowed() {
	// only flip once
	if(this.credits > constants.ALLOW_AUTOSHIP) {
	this.autoShipFlipped = true;
	return this.autoShipFlipped;

Just like Vue, Alpine will notice when data referenced in these methods are updated and rerun their logic for display.

This Scope binding

One issue I ran into that I've seen before in Alpine, was ensuring my this scope was properly referenced. So for example, in Vue, I had this in my start-up code:

setInterval(this.doAutoShip, AUTO_SHIP_DURATION * 1000);

In Alpine, when doAutoShip ran it lost access to the this scope variables. I tweaked them all like so:

setInterval(() => { this.doAutoShip() }, constants.AUTO_SHIP_DURATION * 1000);

HTML Updates - Variables

In Vue, you can add references to variables with brackets, so for example:

Total Fleet Size: {{ fleetSize }}<br/>

Alpine requires you to use x-text or x-html, so I switched these to:

Total Fleet Size: <span x-text="fleetSize"></span><br/>

It's a bit more verbose and bugs me a tiny bit, but I got over it.

HTML Updates - Conditions

Vue supports v-if and v-show and in Alpine this, yep, x-if and x-show. I switched my v-if statements to x-show. Another issue is that Alpine doesn't support x-else. In the one case where I needed it, I just used a condition with a negative (!) in front of it.

<button @click="enableAutoShip" x-show="autoShipAllowed" title="If enabled, this will periodically send out available ships."><span x-show="autoShip">Auto Ship Enabled</span><span x-show="!autoShip">Auto Ship Disabled</span></button>

HTML Updates - Refs

Both Vue and Alpine support the ability to specify a 'ref' value in HTML that can then be referenced in code later. It gives you a pointer to the DOM. In Vue, this was done with ref, but in Alpine it's x-ref. Easy enough, right?

HTML Updates - numberFormat

Previous, I used my number format in HTML like so:

Credits: {{ credits | number }}

For Alpine, I moved numberFormat into the Alpine application itself, and just called it like so:

Credits: <span x-text="numberFormat(credits)"></span><br/>

Wrap Up

All in all, it took me maybe an hour to make the change, so it wasn't too bad, and speaks to how easy it would be for a Vue developer to pick up and learn Alpine if they wanted, or needed to. Feel free to check out the current code here, https://github.com/cfjedimaster/IdleFleet, and if you want to waste, I mean enjoy, a few hours, check out the game here: https://idlefleet.netlify.app/. I've got more updates coming this week!