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Adobe Summit is currently happening in Vegas and while there's a lot of cool stuff being announced, I'm most excited about the launch of Firefly Services. This suite of APIs encompasses the Photoshop and Lightroom APIs I've discussed before, as well as a whole new suite of APIs for Firefly itself. Best of all, the APIs are dang easy to use. I've been building demos and samples over the past few weeks, and while I'm obviously biased, they're truly a pleasure to use. Before I go further, do know that while the docs and such are all out in the open, there isn't a free trial. Yet.


First, some quick basics that are probably assumptions, but, you know what they say about assumptions.

  1. Authentication is required and consists of a client ID and secret value, much like the Photoshop API and Acrobat Services. You exchange this for an access token that can be used for subsequent calls.

  2. The Firefly APIs, when working with media, require you to upload the resource to an API endpoint first. This is different from the Photoshop API which requires cloud storage. This will be made more consistent in the future.

  3. Results are provided via a cloud storage URL that you can download, or use in further calls.

  4. This is all done via REST calls in whatever language, or low-code platform, you wish.


Currently, the following endpoints are supported (and again, Firefly "Services" refers to the gen AI stuff, Photoshop, Lightroom, and more, I'm focusing on the generative stuff for this post):

  • Upload - used to upload images that are referenced by other methods
  • Text to Image - what you see in the website - you take a prompt and get images. Like the website, there's a crap ton of tuning options, including using a reference image which would make use of the upload method described above.
  • Generative Expand - take an image and use AI to expand it. Basically, it expands an image with what it thinks makes sense around the existing image. Can use a prompt to help control what's added.
  • Generative Fill - same idea, but fills in an area instead. Can also take a prompt.

Check out the reference for full docs.


Ok, so I said it was easy, how easy is it?

First, grab your credentials, in this case from the environment:

/* Set our creds based on environment variables.
const CLIENT_ID = process.env.CLIENT_ID;
const CLIENT_SECRET = process.env.CLIENT_SECRET;

Second, exchange this for an access token. This is very similar to all the other Adobe IDs with the main exception being the scope:

async function getAccessToken(id, secret) {

    const params = new URLSearchParams();

    params.append('grant_type', 'client_credentials');
    params.append('client_id', id);
    params.append('client_secret', secret);
    params.append('scope', 'openid,AdobeID,session,additional_info,read_organizations,firefly_api,ff_apis');
    let resp = await fetch('https://ims-na1.adobelogin.com/ims/token/v3', 
            method: 'POST', 
            body: params

    let data = await resp.json();
    return data.access_token;

let token = await getAccessToken(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET);

Cool, now let's make an image. The text to image API has a lot of options, but you can get by with the minimum of just a prompt. I also want to get a bunch of options so I'll change the default limit of 1 to 4:

    "prompt":"a cat riding a unicorn headed into the sunset, dramatic pose",

A basic wrapper function could look like so:

async function textToImage(prompt, id, token) {

    let body = {

    let req = await fetch('https://firefly-api.adobe.io/v2/images/generate', {
        headers: {
            'Authorization':`Bearer ${token}`,
        body: JSON.stringify(body)

    return await req.json();

This returns, if everything went well, a JSON packet containing links to the results. Here's an example where I reduced it to one result to keep the length down:

	"version": "2.10.2",
	"size": {
			"width": 2048,
			"height": 2048
	"predictedContentClass": "art",
	"outputs": [
					"seed": 1613067352,
					"image": {
							"id": "03a221df-98a2-4597-ac2d-3dc1c9b42507",
							"presignedUrl": "https://pre-signed-firefly-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/03a221df-98a2-4597-ac2d-3dc1c9b42507?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIARDA3TX66LLPDOIWV%2F20240326%2Fus-west-2%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20240326T192500Z&X-Amz-Expires=3600&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=84dc28624662af7215de720514ee803eed404df2cf10de803b38c878e0ff62c7"

And that's it. You then just need to write some code to download the bits:

async function downloadFile(url, filePath) {
    let res = await fetch(url);
    const body = Readable.fromWeb(res.body);
    const download_write_stream = fs.createWriteStream(filePath);
    return await finished(body.pipe(download_write_stream));

Here's one example from the prompt used above, and remember, there are numerous options I could have tweaked, and the prompt could have been more descriptive.

Cat on a unicorn

Getting Started

Most of the code above was taken from the excellent intro guide from the Firefly docs that includes both a Node and Python version and I'm not saying it's excellent because I wrote it. No, wait, I am. Ok, it's pretty good I think. Check it out for a complete file showing the 'prompt to image' process.

I've also got a repo, https://github.com/cfjedimaster/fireflyapi, of demos and scripts, but keep in mind it's a bit messy in there. I've got some cool demos I'll be sharing soon.

Finally, check out the developer homepage for Firefly Services as well!