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For those who celebrate, happy Easter. For me, this is more 'second day after the Shingles shot recovery' day. Here are some links to start off your week. I almost wish today was tomorrow so I could sprinkle in some April Fool's jokes, but I'm sure there will be plenty of that around the internet tomorrow.

Taking Care

I've been a fan of "The Oatmeal" for what feels like a good decade or so now. I even had the privilege of attending a session Matthew Inman gave at a technical conference a while back. (Believe it or not, he is just as funny, if not more so, in real life.) This cartoon, "Taking Care" is not his usual comedic fair, but one based on a poem by Callista Buchen dealing with grief. I'm intimately familiar with grief and this work really hit home. I once described my grief to a therapist as a companion who was waiting to punch me in the face. I'd be happy and it would just be waiting, ready to surprise me with an attack and remind me of what I had gone through. I am so incredibly lucky now, not that I've "gotten through it", as the comic says, grief is always with you, but I've been able to make my peace with it. Give this a read.

Web Bluetooth and BBQ

This one's quite interesting as I had my first encounter with Web Bluetooth a few months ago. It is "not" easy to work with. This article by Rik Schennink talks about how he used the spec to communicate with a BBQ thermometer: "Using Web Bluetooth To Read BBQ Temperature Sensor Data". Note that this is Chrome only currently and you will 100% need to use Chrome's devtools to help you out. Rik's article is a great introduction and I wish I had it months ago.

The Uber Framework Guide

I haven't yet dug deep into this, but I feel confident enough to share it as it looks incredible. The Framework Field Guide is an incredibly deep framework guide that covers Angular, React, and Vue.js. You simply pick the language you want to and start reading. At sixteeen chapters, this guide is near book level while also being completely free. I've been delaying learning React for, well, since it came out, but I'm going to give this guide a try and see if my opinion of the framework changes any.

I'll add that this guide is part of Unicorn Utterances, an excellent site on web development that I've someone never heard of. Let's fix that.


Typically I share three links on these posts, but I think I may start adding a fourth, just for music. I recently discovered Labyrinth Ear thanks to Spotify and absolutely love this track. Enjoy.