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Hello from the incredibly hot Pacific Northwest. This week I discovered that not every part of the PNW looks like Seattle. I'm in Bend, Oregon, which is incredibly beautiful, but also just as hot as back home. On the flip side, the humidity is basically zero and the mornings and evenings are incredibly nice. My wife and I are up here for a few days as a quick break, and last night we saw a great concert featuring Ratboys, The Head and The Heart, and the Decembrists.

Photo from Concert

Now to your links - enjoy!

Slash Pages

First up is not a directory of horror fansites, but rather, a list of the many different types of "slash pages". These pages follow a similar URL scheme (like /now or /about) and typically, a common form of content. I've had a /now page for a while now and use it as a way to show what media I'm currently consuming. The Slash Pages guide lists all the other different types of pages like this that are being used by folks. Some I knew, many I didn't.

"Stand Alone" Web Components

Next up is a great list of "stand alone" web components compiled by Chris Coyier. He defines "stand alone" as:

A "stand alone" Web Component is a Web Component that provides some design or functionality but that has little by way of dependencies, strong opinions, or heavy design.

His list is an incredibly good set of examples of useful but simple-to-deploy web components that you can make use of right now. Here's one of my favorites.

See the Pen <sparkly-text> by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen.

Zipping with JavaScript

Last up is a good guide to working with zip files and JavaScript: "Generating ZIP Files With Javascript ". This article makes use of JSZip, a library I used myself a week or so ago for my Mastodon archive viewer, and focuses on creating zip files. The author, Josh Martin, mentions some of the pain points of the library, specifically the docs, which I myself ran into as well.

And last but not least...

Since I mentioned the Decembrists above, how about a great video from them?

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