This is just a quick note to let my readers know that Eleventy 3.0 has been released. This is a huge update and folks using it should read the full release notes here: Eleventy v3.0.0: Possums ❤️ ESM.

I've been running a beta for a while. You can see the issues I ran into here: Upgraded to Eleventy 3.0 (Beta). I upgraded to the final version yesterday and ran into one issue, a template that output to a path without an extension. This was very clearly detailed in the error I got:

[11ty] Problem writing Eleventy templates:
[11ty] The template at './src/webfinger.liquid' attempted to write to './_site/.well-known/webfinger' (via `permalink` value: '.well-known/webfinger'), which is a target on the file system that does not include a file extension.
[11ty] You *probably* want to add a file extension to your permalink so that hosts will know how to correctly serve this file to web browsers. Without a file extension, this file may not be reliably deployed without additional hosting configuration (it won’t have a mime type) and may also cause local development issues if you later attempt to write to a subdirectory of the same name.
[11ty] Learn more:
[11ty] This is usually but not *always* an error so if you’d like to disable this error message, add `eleventyAllowMissingExtension: true` somewhere in the data cascade for this template or use `eleventyConfig.configureErrorReporting({ allowMissingExtensions: true });` to disable this feature globally.

And since I did want it write without an extension, I added the value suggested:

permalink: '.well-known/webfinger'
eleventyExcludeFromCollections: true
eleventyAllowMissingExtension: true

And that was literally it. I did take the opportunity to upgrade two remaining serverless functions to ESM and that took about an hour or so, mostly due to non-Eleventy issues. I didn't have to update them but I was tired of the errors.

Now that 3.0 is shipped, I'm planning on doing an intro to it on my <Code><Br> show later this fall.