In my last Links For You post, there was snow outside from a completely unusual snow storm down here in Louisiana. Two weeks later, my AC is running and I'm near back to wearing shorts again. Sigh. I've said it before and will say it again, I cannot wait to get out of the south. With those complaints out of the way, let's get to the links!
Python Tips
As I've made it a mission this year to get Somewhat Good at Python, I've been keeping my eyes open for good Python tips and tutorials. I've subscribed to, and recommend, the Python Weekly newsletter, where I found this great video embedded below. ArjanCodes covers ten good tips for new Python developers, and I'm happy to say I knew most of them.
Glitch and Eleventy
Next up is a great tutorial on using Eleventy on Glitch, "Making static sites with Glitch and 11ty: Image gallery". Glitch is a powerful tool for hosting applications and my go to site when CodePen isn't quite enough. Definitely give this a read.
JavaScript Temporal is Coming
What's coming? Not winter for sure. But thankfully, new and better JavaScript data support via the Temporal API. Brian Smith shares an intro to the API and explains why you should be happy. Dates and JavaScript have been "not good" since the beginning and I know I'm certainly happy to see some relief coming soon.
Just For Fun
I love idle clicker games (and have built a few myself), so I was especially happy to find this gem, which can actually be finished in a reasonable amount of time. Warning - this is addictive: