Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

Happy Link Day... oh wait, that isn't a thing? Well, let's pretend it is. Those of us in Louisiana are in Mardi Gras season with the holiday itself coming up on March 4th. If the weather holds out, we'll be outside catching beads and listening to marching bands. It can be a lot of fun if it doesn't get rained out. It's also a great chance to eat some really bad (for you but yummy) food. I'll share a pic or two on the next edition of this post. Ok, on with the links!

Introducing AX (Agent Experience)

Mathias Biilmann (CEO at Netlify, they host this blog), wrote up an introduction to the idea of AX, or "agent experience". His post describes AX as the "expeirence" AI autonomous agents have with our sites and products. It's an interesting piece and be sure to read his follow up post as well.

On Being Laid Off

Ah, here's something I'm pretty familiar with (groan). Mert Bulan writes up his experience of a lay off and if you've never had the, err, "pleasure" of experiencing this, it's a great look into what it's like. This 'current' lay off for me was my third over thirty years in the business and it never gets any easier.

The Angular Documentary

Next up is an incredibly well done documentary about Angular, which for me was my first "real" JavaScript framework. I was a huge fan of it... initially... until the big update when everything (at least in my opinion) went off the rails in a major way. This was a really fascinating look at the history of Angular, and I have to be honest, it's really made me consider taking a look at it again later this year.

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Just For Fun

Nope, nothing to see here, nothing is fun and everything is terrible. Ok, that's dramatic. My buddy Brian Rinaldi recently shared a cool song with me and after enthusiastically telling my wife about it, she reminded me that both her and our eldest had recommended the same artist like a year ago. Oh well. Cool song and a cool video. Enjoy!

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