Ok, so if you attended my last Code Break session you know I was hinting that I was really excited for my next one. For years now I've wanted to give React a fair shake and actually try to build something with it. Finally I'm making time to do so. This Thursday at 12PM CST, my next session will be:
I Don't like React. Let's Learn React!
To be clear, it isn't that I dislike React, it's just that every time I've looked at the code, it just didn't gel with me. I know it's incredibly popular, but I always felt like if I needed to build a proper "web app", I'd just use Vue (despite my feelings about Vue 3, feel free to ask me in the session). That being said, I'm really excited about this session. I'm going to go through the docs and attempt to build one or two apps (probably over a session or two) and really see what it feels like to work in the platform.
I hope to see you there! Also, one of the things I tried to do this year was get more consistent with my scheduling. For some dumb reason, I scheduled one for this Tuesday which is Mardi Gras, and while we will probably get rained out, there's a chance I could be downtown with the kids catching beads and watching marching bands, so hopefully the weather holds up.